About Us


A Few Words About Us

As a family led home care provider, we support adults to remain independent within the comfort of their own homes, promoting and encouraging active participation- building on the individuals self worth and belief. 
Our care is specifically tailored to the individuals needs which is identified in the assessment process, making sure you receive the right care you want.  To ensure a quality of care, all staff have a full enhanced DBS check and have completed a full induction process.

The Leading the Way Award

Winners of "The Leading the Way Award" in the 2023 Tameside Cristal Care Awards

“I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been honoured with “The Leading the Way Award” in the 2023 Tameside Cristal Care Awards! This recognition is even more special because it was my incredible team who nominated me. Their support and acknowledgment mean the world to me, and I couldn’t be prouder to lead such a dedicated and hardworking group that goes above and beyond to provide exceptional care to our service users.

This award is a testament to our collective efforts. I didn’t see it coming, and I’m deeply humbled by the recognition. This award is a reflection of the unwavering commitment and dedication of our entire team. We’re not just professionals; we’re a family, and we’ll continue to lead the way in delivering compassionate and outstanding care to our service users. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey, and here’s to many more moments of making a positive impact together.”

– Shahid Farooq, Director, Chief Executive

proud to be the fastest growing company of 2023

Sams Helping Hands has won an award for the Fastest Growing Company in the North West

“I would like to thank all of our brilliant staff, office team and beautiful clients that make what we do worth every second. We hope we can continue to provide quality care to those in need”

– Director at Sams Helping Hands

More about us

What we do:

  • Help with personal care and hygiene
  • Help with getting up and going to bed
  • Prompting or giving medicines and collecting or returning medication from pharmacies or dispensing GP surgeries;
  • Meal preparation
  • Domestic Duties
  • Support with social activities such as attending a day centre, visiting friends or family etc

We provide care and support to: 

  • People over 65 years of age;
  • People with physical disabilities;
  • People aged 18 to 65 years;
  • People with a sensory loss or impairment;
  • People with dementia;

At Sams Helping Hands we:

  • Treat you with the utmost respect and dignity.
  • We will always respect your personal beliefs and life choices.
  • Are open and honest with you about what we do. We deliver what we say we will and provide the consistent and reliable service that you expect.
  • Protect you from harm by employing compassionate, capable and reliable staff.
  • Monitor the quality of our service and regularly ask for your views so that we can make any improvements that may be needed;
  • Take swift action in response to any concerns about your safety or complaints.
  • Respect your privacy
  • Have no right to judge how someone chooses to live or how their home looks. We do not tolerate discrimination in any form.