
We’ve discovered that many clients don’t require extensive assistance, but do occasionally require a companion to accompany them on various activities: someone with whom they can converse and engage in discussion, whether at home or out and about.

We can help if you have room in your life for a friend like that. A member of our care and support team can visit or accompany you, bringing an important human touch to your day. They’ll become more than simply acquaintances. They’ll become a dependable, friendly buddy with whom you may laugh and joke, as well as share some of your common hobbies.

Clients have discovered that getting together with a friend is just as good as going to therapy. When people spend quality time with someone who understands them and is genuinely interested in them, they feel revitalised and motivated. Clients regularly engage and enjoy in the following activities with a companion:

  • Walking the dog
  • Shopping
  • Leisure activities
  • Chat with a cup of tea
  • Playing cards or board games
  • Going to a day service
  • Visiting Places
  • Using public transport
  • Company whilst doing crafts or hobbies
  • Company and transport for doctors appointment

It’s comforting to know that, in addition to providing company, your care and support worker is eager and able to spend time assisting you in overcoming the challenges of modern living, such as:

  • how to use a cell phone, a television remote, or a computer
  • Receiving and interpreting bills and financial papers
  • Obtaining financing advice or assistance with benefit claims