
Personal Care

Our qualified staff have years of experience and extensive training in assisting people with their personal care needs. You’ll find them to be compassionate and understanding without being patronising. They will always treat you with dignity alongside promoting independence whilst encouraging inclusion to maintain an individuals self worth. Their goal is to provide you with as much freedom as possible. They want to assist and they enjoy doing so.

They understand that each client is an individual with distinct personal needs, interests, and values, so they will respect your privacy. All of our support services will be fully tailored to your specific needs.

we can assist you with a wide variety of personal care tasks, including, for example:

  • Assistance with getting ready for the day (help with getting up, washing, showering or bathing, dressing, and eating breakfast. This can also include assistance with using the restroom and toilet, brushing the teeth, and shaving.)
  • Preparing for bed
  • Assist you with your health, Taking care of your medications, recognising and addressing your health needs, and scheduling meetings with healthcare practitioners on your behalf.
  • Help you with your grooming. Hair washing, drying, and combing, as well as foot care and personal hygiene management, are all things that need to be taken care of in which we can assist you with. Also, help with clothing selection and care is available too.
  • Help with food, Making drinks, menu planning, grocery shopping, cooking, and food preparation assistance are all available.